Why invest?
Support the local NC startup community. Industry leaders come from small startups. We find diamonds in the rough and help them be successful — for the startups, investors, and North Carolina.
Source potential follow-on and sidecar investment opportunities. Investing is easy — investing well is hard. We have our finger on the pulse of NC startups to find the next two amazing founders in a garage working on the next great thing.
Network with like-minded angel investors and compelling startup founders. We connect you with a smart and talented community to learn about angel investing, startup building, and more.
Generate a return by long-term investing in venture capital. According to Cambridge Associates, venture capital has outperformed the public markets over 5-, 10-, and 25-year periods.
Join us in angel investing in the latest and greatest Triangle startups, starting at $10,000 per quarter.
Become an Angel. Invest with us.
How it works?
Focus —> Every quarter, we invest $25k or $50k in three to five of the area’s most promising startups, where a little capital mixed with our mentorship goes a long way to their success.
Sourcing —> We have a full-time team focused on finding great startups. We also meet additional startups through our close relationship with GrepBeat and Jurassic Capital.
Diligence —> We do “due diligence” on every startup we consider investing in. After investing, we share our diligence materials with our investors so they can assess them for additional investment or assistance.
Programming -> We provide monthly founder guidance sessions and quarterly events for investors and startups. This includes the “Investor Meet & Greet” where the most recently invested startups pitch to our investors and local venture capitalists.
What are the terms?
We invest with a “rolling fund” managed by AngelList. Here are the details:
Commitment —> The financial commitment starts at $10,000 per quarter for four quarters. Most individuals do the minimum. Most funds and firms do more.
Fees —> We do not charge fees, but AngelList does apply a 0.2% administrative fee to keep track of the investments for ten years. We take 20% of the gain in carry to support our efforts.
Process —> You have to qualify as an accredited investor to invest and sign up through AngelList.