Hello. We are Primordial.

Today, we officially launch Primordial to make pre-seed investments in tech startups around the Triangle. Jenn Summe has joined the team to lead the charge after operating in several tech startups in the area. If you haven’t met her, please do. We are looking for great early-stage startups to invest in.

Primordial, according to dictionary.com, means “constituting a beginning.” The word, however, is more often remembered as part of the term Primordial Soup. Primordial Soup is the theory describing the conditions four-odd billion years ago when soupy seas of organic compounds oozed around Earth’s surface, ready to percolate into early life forms.

As I six-year-old, I vaguely remember lightning bolts striking these seas and — bam! — turning little microorganisms into tadpoles and, with time, tadpoles turning into herds of Brontosauruses. It was all very simple in my young mind. I tried replicating the process with a soupy mix of random kitchen ingredients and a nine-volt battery. It didn’t work too well.

We’re excited to get started with Primordial. Early-stage startups are rough around the edges. The raw components are oozing around, but there’s often something missing to get all the elements working together. That’s where we come in. We operate in the soupy ooze, investing in and working with startups in their earliest stages. Read more about us on GrepBeat.

Like all great and ambitious things, Primordial will evolve with time, and we appreciate you being part of our journey.



Primordial Makes First Investment into Coworks